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Do You Want Help Building & Growing Your Worthy Life?

Then join our community of females working to grow all they have and who are intentional about building the worthy life they deserve..... and you'll get MONTHLY access to :

A New Masterclass - uplevel your worth and get the results you want in life. This session will be delivered either by an expert or Team Nkechie.

Goal Setting Live Session - get crystal clear on what you want to achieve and how you will achieve it. Clarity session like no other.

Access To The Private Facebook Group for Members - Get the support you need from Team Nkechie and other members.

Live Q&A Session - get your questions answered with a direction on the support you may need.

A New Workbook - which comes with the new masterclass.

Connect Session - where you connect and chat with other members of the club. This is usually a fun time!

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