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for the 360 degree single female

The 360-Degree Female Membership That Offers More For Less

They said

This was a game-changer for me in my career! I got a job within 3 weeks.

- Odun Okeme

Thank you Nkechie. You made me realize CHANGE is needed for growth to happen. This has stuck with me.

- Patience

Each month
you will have...

A New Masterclass - uplevel your worth and get the results you want in life. This session will be delivered either by an expert or Team Nkechie.

Goal Setting Live Session - get crystal clear on what you want to achieve and how you will achieve it. Clarity session like no other.

Access To The Private Facebook Group for Members - Get the support you need from Team Nkechie and other members.

Live Q&A Session - get your questions answered with a direction on the support you may need.

A New Workbook - which comes with the new masterclass.

Connect Session - where you connect and chat with other members of the club. This is usually a fun time!

Book Club - You get access to the monthly book club sessions for FREE!

There is so much that is possible for every single one of us.

We undermine the importance of personal development to our own peril; however, it is only through personal development that we find ourselves. Once you find yourself, then you can begin Impacting your world. You can ONLY meet people as far as you have met yourself.


So, who is personal development for...

The 6 Types of  Females With Monumental Potential

There are typically 6 main types of females:

The Dreamer
The Doer
The Inference Carrier
The Conveyor
The Visionary
The Attractor

Some people have more than one of the above, some just stick to one type.

The dreamer dreams; she may not have the capacity and/or the capability to express what she has on the inside...yet she is one BIG dreamer! Could this be you?


The inference carrier dwells on what is inferred by others; she may not be a critical thinker, but she sure knows how to spread a message! Could this be you?


The visionary is most often a loner, not out of choice, but mostly out of necessity. She holds a future in the now, but may not know what she needs to make her vision a reality in an everyday fast-paced world. Could this be you?


The Doer simply does the work. Usually fact-paced, time-oriented, and organized. She is one to have as a friend, yet she can easily be blind-sided and most often manipulated. Could this be you?


The conveyor, well she is great at spreading a vision. Usually not hers, but one she strongly buys into. Her passion for the vision she conveys has no parallel, yet she can be easily indoctrinated, manipulated, and frustrated if she hasn't found herself. Could this be you?


The attractor influences people and things around her. She is one people like to be around and she gets her vibe from the people around her; yet, she is easily discouraged, deflated, and lost when there aren't people to influence, because her identity is attached to people or a single person. Could this be you?

So how can you actually become the BEST version of yourself?








Your personal development journey cuts across 7 key phases

Hello, let me introduce myself for a moment, especially if we've never crossed paths. My name is Nkechie, the founder of Perfectly Ready and Worthy, the School of Achievers, speaker, and author. The first time I felt business inclined was in my early teens and I wanted to be independent and someone who would help her world in some way or another; so when I started my first registered business, I wanted and needed someone who would show me the ropes on how to get to where I wanted to be ..... as a single lady.

I knew I had a drive-in me that urged me to become more, but I didn't know how and I certainly didn't know who was where I wanted to be... that I could learn from.

I tried so hard to figure it out by myself: I tried to get energized with great ideas on how to build a business and become financially comfortable before getting married, I also tried to understand the strategies and principles for a successful living before and after getting married, and to be honest, that got me frustrated because I was looking from just ONE lens when I should have been looking from no less than FIVE.


I was also holding myself back - imposter syndrome was real, but hidden beneath certain layers. I silently questioned my ability to impact and influence... "Who will listen to me?", "I don't have the right connections to benchmark on, so why start?" "Am I good enough?" The fight was real, yet I wanted to live above it all.


And.... along the way, with the help and insights from key people, I was able to learn, pick up my baton, fine-tune my gifts and passion, including building a successful career and brand. 


I have with some help...






Worked and supported customers in over 23 Countries

Founded a Career Transformation Suite with global insights...

... and a 98% positive feedback scorecard

Transitioned from being a schooled Engineer to into People Transformation

Authored a book, and many resources

Building a financial and generational legacy that'll transcend me

These are some of the things I dreamed of.


Making them happen was NOT by accident.


There is a strategy that attracts the right purpose for your life.


There is a strategy for becoming financially enabled, and also sustaining your finances.


There is a strategy for building a life where your God-given talent will shine and also generate leads, traffic, collaborators, and opportunities.


There is a strategy for starting a successful business, and many more strategies for building it.

Bottom line, there is a strategy for getting the perfectly ready and worthy life, and creating impact and influence your heart desires - it is all about FINDING YOU.



This platform is about you and for you.​

"If you want your life to be different,
you have to be willing to do
something different first."
~Hod Erod~
Introducing & Welcoming You to
The 'Perfectly Ready & Worthy'
VIP Sisterhood

This is set to be the leading collaborative online membership powerhouse for African females around the world. We are benchmarking on targeted knowledge, expertise from women around the globe to help you build a successful life, business, home, finance, and mindset.


Tech Accessories
What's inside the member's area right now ?

You'll get access to these, and also be part of our community...

...oh, and you get to be part of a group of highly motivated, vision-driven, business-ready, and inspiring females, who support each other all the way.

3+ Inspirational Audios

5+ Masterclasses

The Ultimate 'Find Your Purpose' Checklist

18+ Challenge Videos

Monthly schedule & meet-ups

2 courses & multiple Workbooks

Here's what you get monthly!

You'll never be alone. As a member you get to take part in the live sessions we have, growing together and being part of a community of strong females.... absolutely invaluable.

A New Masterclass - uplevel your worth and get the results you want in life. This session will be delivered either by a global expert or Team Nkechie.

Goal Setting Live Session - get crystal clear on what you want to achieve and how you will achieve it. Clarity sessions like no other.

Access To The Private Facebook Group for Members - Get the support you need from Team Nkechie and other members.

Live Q&A Session - get your questions answered with a direction on the support you may need.

A New Workbook/Worksheet - which comes with the new masterclass.

Connect Session - where you connect and chat with other members of the club. This is usually a fun time!

Super Connected

Get super connected to networks that help you elevate and inspire you to be more. Often, these are the people that'll cheer you on and lend a supportive shoulder... and hand.

Super Accountability

Accountability helps you scale, grow, and impact. You'll get paired with an accountability partner, who'll help you stay consistent, and on-track with your goals and vision.

Super Clarity

If you've ever been unsure as to how you would scale in your business, career, finances, and the other core areas of your life, you'll get super clear on your vision in these areas of your life.

Book Club - You get access to the monthly book club sessions for FREE!

Join the VIP Sisterhood Club as a monthly subscriber and cancel at any time before the next billing cycle. 

This way you try everything and the features out to make sure you love it (we're confident you'll love it!).

Join the Book Club only as a monthly subscriber, and cancel at any time before the next billing cycle. 

This way you try everything and the features out to make sure you love it (we're confident you'll love it!).



(Normally â‚¦15,000/month)



Including the Book Club.

Regular price ₦15,000. Lock in this discounted price and it'll never be increased as long as you remain a member.


You can cancel at any time.





Regular ₦10,000.  Lock in this discounted price and it'll never be increased as long as you remain a member.


You can cancel at any time.

Don't give up girl! There is so much in you, let's help bring it all out...
Introducing PRW
This could be you...


I went from one bad relationship to another for a long time, and that left me feeling something was seriously wrong with me. I attended the 'Before You Say I Do Challenge earlier in the year, and I had a major shift in perception. I have a few things in me I need to work on, but I now know I AM WORTHY:) 

- Louisa Jackson

As girls, we are taught to make ourselves available for the male competition, but rarely are we taught how to be detectives during the dating stage. The interethnic and intertribal session opened my eyes to what to really look out for 1st in a man, and not to be so easily carried away with my emotions. Can we have more sessions like this, please? 

Tsitsi (Zimbabwe) 


This was a game-changer for me in my career! I got a job within 3 weeks.

- Odun Okeme

Thank you Nkechie. You made me realize CHANGE is needed for growth to happen. This has stuck with me.

- Patience



I attended the Business Vision Board sessions, and it gave me clarity on my ballon business's vision and more.

- Chioma Enechionyia

I needed a plan on how to build my business alongside my 9-5 and I got a plan. Don't miss this.- Stella Marie Phillips

Ready to Join Us?
Choose the plan that best suits you...



(Normally â‚¦15,000/month)



Including the Book Club.

Regular price ₦15,000. Lock in this discounted price and it'll never be increased as long as you remain a member.


You can cancel at any time.





Regular ₦10,000.  Lock in this discounted price and it'll never be increased as long as you remain a member.


You can cancel at any time.




Your access remains when you renew your monthly/annual Book Club or VIP Sistership membership, or if you continue your monthly subscription.

You can cancel your monthly subscription at any time.





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© 2022. Perfectly Ready & Worthy. Inspiring and creating a purpose-driven life in females.

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Your access remains when you renew your monthly/annual Book Club or VIP Sistership membership, or if you continue your monthly subscription.

You can cancel your monthly subscription at any time.





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© 2022. Perfectly Ready & Worthy. Inspiring and creating a purpose-driven life in females through Personal Development.

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