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Career SkyRocket 



Turn your career into great value that'll get you noticed and will generate the wealth you desire in time. 

 September 7, 2021 

Who is this for?

  • Entrepreneurs

  • Business Owners

  • Aspiring Business Owners

  • Employees

  • Workers

  • Recent Graduates

  • Intrapreneurs

  • Employees with side businesses

  • Individuals seeking a breakthrough in their career

In this new decade, a major shift is happening! Are you ready for this disruption?

When we talk about careers, people first think JOBS & CV's! ​



A Career is all-encompassing: the thing you do that earns you an income, a livelihood, an opportunity.

The next 3 years is going to be a weeding period, where people with no value to give will be left to run the last lap, while people with value and gusto will take center stage.


In this class, we will delve into what this means, how to skyrocket your career and how to become the value that people run after in your career. You have to be ready for the global shift happening now, and it doesn't matter if you are in the farthest part of Africa or Asia - this shift will impact you too,


Come with an open mind, open heart, and more importantly a willingness to take action and NOT procrastinate - Success is not for procrastinators! This class will be with C-Suite Career Transformation Expert Nkechie Ilori.

Women Colleagues

What will be covered

in this class

Career Regression

Regression and why it follows the brightest of people, including how to break free.

Lean Principle

Why lean is the go to for building wealth in your career journey.



Principles of skyrocketing your career and how vision plays a KEY role in your journey.


Replication as a MUST for legacy generation and sustainability. 


Who is Nkechie Ilori

Meet your Coach

Nkechie Ilori is a ‘creative fixer', career transformation, and personal development thought leader, author, purpose enthusiast, and change creator. Her specialty is in transformation at work, empowering females, and creating change embedding strategies for brands.


Nkechie is a schooled Engineer who re-invented her career journey after emigrating to a new continent, has overcome many of her own obstacles – both personally and professionally. She is the founder of her brands, The School of Achievers and Perfectly Ready & Worthy.


Nkechie takes pride in the fact that these brands deliver strategically with faith, empathy, and the power of community, that bring powerful and impactful results to people.


Nkechie has spent a few years helping people transfer their skills and work experiences into work paths, industries, and sectors they truly want to be in. She has been featured in ABC, Fox, and CBS and with the world's top career coaches.  She has helped people across 4 continents build career journeys they never thought possible by utilizing her experience in engineering, human resources, customer services (internal & external), organizational design and development,  project management, change embedding, and culture analysis.

Nkechie has been featured on:

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